Simple Tips for Prolonging the Life of a Bouquet of Roses

A bouquet of roses always has the knack of making people feel special. So whether you opt for rose delivery to your home or a special someone bestowed them upon you, chances are you want them to retain their beauty for as long as possible. While cut flowers will eventually die, this should not happen after a couple of days. However, what some individuals do not grasp is that it is that their own lack of care is what leads to the premature deterioration of your flowers. This article summarises a few simple tips for prolonging the life of a bouquet of roses.

Cut the stems properly

Before you put your roses in a vase, you need to make sure the stems are trimmed. Take note that there are two considerations to bear in mind when trimming these flowers. Firstly, you should cut the stems at an angle. This cut facilitates enhanced water intake for the flowers. Secondly, you should only trim these stems while under running water to avoid undue damage.

Take off the leaves

The entire length of the stem that will be submerged in water should be free of leaves. When you leave the leaves in place, there is a high likelihood of water contamination. The leaves will die and begin to rot in the water, which in turn leads to bacteria breeding inside the flower water. After a few days, the bacteria infects these flowers, and they begin to die.

Do not expose the flowers to heat

Another crucial tip to keeping your cut roses in good condition is preventing any direct exposure to heat. Not only should the flowers be put on display at a cool pace, but also they should not be placed close to heat-emitting appliances or under electrical lighting. In fact, a nifty trick you may want to try is to put the cut roses in the fridge on occasion to preserve them for longer!

Always give them flower food

Flower food is essential for the nutrition of your cut roses. However, you are not limited to the packaged variety. There is a selection of household items that you could use as flower food. For instance, a few drops of bleach in the water will work to limit the potential of a bacterial infection. Another option is by placing an aspirin in the water to mitigate the breeding of bacteria. You could also mix a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with some water and pour the solution in the water. 
